Manufactured For Health Solution Prime
Made in USA
2 Bottles, 120 Softgels

Boost  immune system
Cares your digestion
Prevents premature aging of skin
Fat burn and healthy weight loss 
Blood pressure support
Detox and cleanse 
Cares your hair and skin

About Coconut Oil "Tree of Life"

 Each and every part of the tree is used for one thing or the other. Its uses range from cosmetics to food and it is part of the diet in the tropic and subtropic regions.  The fibrous husk is used to make coir ropes and mats, the shell is used for charcoal and the fruit is used for oil as well as in diet. Coconut water is one of the healthiest drinks on the planet. This sweet liquid is present in the young, green coconut. Coconut is a drupe and it has three layers: endocarp, mesocarp and exocarp. According to different studies, coconut oil is among the healthiest food on earth. It is often described as a superfood as it has many health benefits. Coconut oil is rich in healthy fatty acids like capric acid and lauric acid. It also contains healthy saturated fat. The fat in coconut oil is easier to digest, has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and are not stored as fat readily. Coconut oil is used mainly in tropical countries but is now gaining popularity across the world. This oil contains three unique fatty acids that are responsible for its various health benefits: lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid. These are some of the rarest substances found in nature and the reason why this oil is so beneficial. In addition, coconut oil also contains linoleic acid, oleic acid, phenolic acid, myristic acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and iron.

Coconut oil benefits

a) Protects liver and cures kidney infection and UTI. The medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) present in coconut oil are known to have antibiotic properties. It kills the bacteria by destroying the lipid coating on it. Coconut oil helps fight the kidney and urinary tract infection. It also protects the liver.
b) Helps burn fat and lose weight
The MCFAs in coconut oil help in burning more calories and losing weight. According to a research, coconut oil helps in reducing the abdominal fat in women. It also boosts metabolic rate of the body by promoting the function of the pancreas and this helps in burning more calories.
c) Improves brain function
MCFAs in coconut oil boost memory in older people. MCFAs are readily absorbed by the body and they fuel the cells of the brain, helping them to function efficiently.
d) Boosts immunity
Lauric acid in coconut oil helps in fighting bacterial infection. Lauric acid creates an environment in the body that is toxic for the viruses. The healthy fats in coconut oil support the thyroid and adrenal glands which can lower cortisol to naturally balance hormones. Coconut oil helps to suppress inflammation while supporting healthy metabolism, two things that are essential for balanced hormones.
e) Improves digestion
Coconut oil is used in cooking and it helps in preventing digestion related health issues and stomach problems. It improves digestion. It helps in the absorption of other nutrients like mineral and vitamins.
f) Helps in preventing bones problems
Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants, which fight the free radicals. One of the main causes of osteoporosis is free radicals and coconut oil is a natural cure for the condition. Coconut oil also improves the calcium absorption by the body.
g) Heart health
The main saturated fat in coconut oil is lauric acid.  This type of saturated fat (SF) is shorter in length than other saturated fats.  Lauric acid can be considered a medium chain triglyceride (MCT) which acts differently in the body than longer SF. Coconut oil, like other plant-based oils, does not contain cholesterol. The vast majority of the fats in coconut oil are medium chain triglycerides. These medium chain fatty acids found in coconuts have tremendous health benefits and are easy for the body to burn as fuel for energy. Coconut oil also contains antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties.
i) Coconut oil and weight loss
MCT’s are absorbed quickly from the small intestine are sent to the liver to be used for energy.  MCT’s are less likely to be stored as fat and are more likely to be used for energy.  Longer SF can aid in transporting cholesterol, be used for energy or stored in fat cells.
Serving size: 3 softgels
Servings per container: 20
Organic Virgin Coconut Oil  3000 mg
Calories 26
Calories from Fat  41
Total Fat 3 g  5%
Saturated Fat 2,6 g 12%
Transfat 0 g 0%
Monosatrurated fat 0,075 g
Cholesterol 0 g
Total Carbohydrate 0 g
Protein 0 g
Daily Value not established
Other ingredients: Gelatiune and Purified water

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.