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 At Nature Scent, we are passionate about bringing you the finest selection of organic products that are truly in harmony with nature. Our brand is built on a commitment to authenticity, quality, and sustainability. When you choose Nature scent, you're choosing products that are free from artificial ingredients and chemicals, because we believe that nature knows best.

Blue Lotus Nymphaea Dried Caerulea Organic Flower

Drinking healthy herbal teas has become a trend and a habit of many nations around the world, as many of them have finally understood the value of these herbs

This pack of “Blue Water Lily Tea” contains 100% Organic air-dried and blended Whole Blue Water Lily flower, which gives you essential health benefits. Many researches have been carried out and have proven these facts.

Ancient Egyptians so called this flower as the Dream Flower. This is because of many health qualities this flower has. This aromatic tea will keep fresh, calm and healthy throughout the day with no doubt. Blue Water Lily is   also called as Egyptian lotus, sacred blue lotus, Blue Lotus etc.

We have not added any artificial flavors or any preservatives. This is a non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) product. This product is guaranteed to be 100% natural.

Health Benefits

·        Antioxidant benefits

·        Lower blood sugar levels -prevents diabetes

·        Promotes deep relaxation

·        Helps to treat depression

·        Helps to Treat Nervous Disorders

·        Act as Natural Aphrodisiac

·        Balances Oiliness of Skin

·        Regulates menstrual cycle

·        Relieves stress

·        Good for Skin

·        Treats Gastrointestinal Problems


How to brew Blue Lotus Tea?

It is so easy to prepare the vibrant Blue Lotus Flower Tea, which never misses a chance to bestow its treasure of goodness. Follow the steps given below to brew the easiest yet the most palatable Blue Lotus Flower Tea:



Enjoy it while hot!