Handmade Wool Felt Rug SHYRDAK Yellow Gray White Carpet Crafted in Kyrgyzstan 9.5x3.6 ft


  • Color: yellow, gray and white 
  • Material: Felt
  • Available in size 9,5x3,6 ft (110/290 cm)
  • Handmade in Kyrgyzstan



Introducing our exquisite handcrafted wool felt rug adorned with authentic patterns, a masterpiece that combines natural elegance with artisanal expertise. Crafted meticulously from pure wool felt in serene yellow, white and gray, the rug's unique design is a testament to the artisan's creativity and skill.

Hailing from the pristine mountains of Central Asia, at a staggering altitude of 3000 meters, our carpets are a labor of love, demanding approximately 230 hours of dedicated craftsmanship. Each felt panel is meticulously hand-sewn with stitches set less than 2mm apart, showcasing the epitome of precision and artistry.

Rest assured, our materials are environmentally conscious choices. Both wool felt and yarn are eco-friendly, catering not only to the discerning tastes of adults but also to the safety and comfort of children and even pets. In fact, the irresistible allure of our Shyrdak rug lies in its organic essence, as pets find solace lying on its warm embrace, feeling connected with nature.

Experience the charm of true craftsmanship combined with environmental consciousness, as you embrace the luxurious comfort of our wool felt rug in your home.


Dear customer, we are happy to welcome you to our online shop. 

We combine the ancient Kyrgyz tradition of making shyrdak - wool carpets with modern design and using only natural wool for felt. All our products are 100% handmade with love, care and the soul of our artisans! Our carpets will serve you for many years and create uniqe comfort in your home.