Our listings are 100% private. No one will ever be aware of your purchase. 

Introduction: We are world renown with a combined ancestral training of 257 years of helping individuals, just like you! Your future awaits you with 13 highly developed practitioners, including Herman, our High Priest. The White Magic we are offering you is life changing. Genuine powerful life changes will be in your reach.   

High Priest Herman


We realize that, to most, the idea behind a blessed magic potion sounds foreign and strange. This is understandable being they are very sparse these days. We are a coven more advanced than most here on eBay. This oil based mild fragrance has been profoundly blessed during a full lunar cycle ritual. The collaborated knowledge in this casting ritual binds the potions divine energies of powerful "female attraction."


Do you long for more female interaction? Have you always admired that other guy that seems to win all the ladies? Ever wonder why some men seem to have all the "luck?" What is his secret? Well, you do not need to wonder anymore! This potion has been tested and proven to drive women crazy... crazy for you! 

Girls, Girls, Girls!

To be a "women magnet" this potion is to be worn daily, a single drop on your skin, as if you were putting on cologne. The handsome cobalt blue bottle (3" tall - 1" wide) generously contains 1 ounce of the magical secret formula potion. That is enough to last you a long time at a single drop per day! Lightly scented it will not interfere with other scents you may like to wear. The potion is 100% free of alcohol and chemicals. It is organic, and natural. There are positively no side effects with this potion. It will not harm you in any way. It has been refined and proven over the last 20 years to be not only safe, but also very successful.

Batting 1000!

From the very first week, you will begin noticing subtle changes about yourself. You will notice an increase in your levels of euphoria, happiness, self-esteem and confidence. This boost in your chi, body and spirit, will attract women in numbers you have only dreamed of.

Cheers to The Cosmic Guru coven!

This is a rare and outstanding item. The supply is limited and is sure to sell out quickly to a lucky few. It belongs only with the most serious person that deeply desires change; someone that will truly respect its divine powerful properties.

So many girls, so little time!

Every man is unique, and his desires and needs differ. This potion is designed to work directly within your "minds eye", for your own personal desires. With the help of this amazing potion, you can be the one that has all the girls clamoring for your attentions. With your "new found" charm and charisma, these things are all possible. See testimonials below. 

Upon cleared payment, We will gently and carefully package this rare potion and ship it to you within 24 business hours. Do not procrastinate; act fast, this is a very limited supply.

                                                           "Like" us on Facebook! (Cosmic Guru Coven)

Below are actual testimonials from our happy clients:

Satisfied Client: Daisy

Dear Herman, I cannot tell you how your coven's "beauty potion" has changed my self-esteem and image. I needed to show you. Not bad, huh? You are the supreme man and I'll love you forever! XXOO, Daisy

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Just wanted to say THANK YOU! Happy, happy, happy! Even though I get some weird looks from most of my friends, I highly recommend you. Just wait, they are sure to check you out if they have any intelligence at all. You have been very understanding and more than helpful. A follower of your coven forever, (J.J.) Jimbo

Satisfied Client: Jimbo Jam

Satisfied Client: Ralph Sr.

Your coven is of the highest ability, expertise and professionalism I have ever dealt with. I have been involved with Wicca for a number of years now and I can finally say that your coven's spells unquestionably manifest. I convey you my greatest thanks for making my life long dreams a reality. I shall look no further for guidance and help in the future, for I have found your coven. With my utmost gratitude, I thank you all. Ralph Sr.

Hello Friends! As you can see, dreams can come true, thanks to The Cosmic Guru Coven, I can now travel to exotic places. Believe...and it can happen! ~T.J

Satisfied Client: T. J.


Disclaimer: The law requires that all paranormal items, such as spells and physic readings be sold for entertainment purposes only.

 You must be 18 years of age to bid. (Wink, Wink) !