Are the people who report to you giving you their best? Is your team--whether a group of employees, a classroom of students, or your family--performing at its fullest potential? NFL coaching legend Don Shula and renowned business consultant Ken Blanchard team up in Everyone's a Coach to share their secrets for inspiring others to greatness. At the heart of their book is a simple acronym that describes the qualities of an effective leader: -Conviction-driven--never compromise your beliefs. - Overlearning--practice until it's perfect. - Audible-ready--know when to change. - Consistency--respond predictably to performance. - Honesty-based--walk your talk. Using an effective "tag-team" approach, Shula and Blanchard personally "unpack" the five leadership secrets behind this acronym.

This hardcover book, "Everyone's A Coach" by Don Shula and Ken Blanchard, is a valuable addition to any collection. With insights on leadership, personal growth, and success, this book is a must-read for young adults and adults alike. The book has a dust jacket and is in its original English language, with 197 pages. It was published in 1995 by Zondervan and weighs 17.1 ounces. The book measures 9.5 inches in length, 6.5 inches in width, and 0.6 inches in height.