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This works well. I was able to sew though 6 layers of awning canvas material.

Zig zag stitch length can be longer then my Singers.

The extra stitch disk have to be set right to work (white stitch dial to A and the stitch length dial set to a)

The body of this is all metal construction. With the metal case it weighs 28lb

One blemish is a peg, on the extra thread holder, is broken off.

Comes with some extra feet and bobbins

new spring on the bobbin extractor

The stitching side of the head has scratches 

About This Item

  • I am a used item scouter. When I am out buying for myself but I keep an eye out for other items. 
  • Items I sell are usually tested. The results mentioned in the ad. 
  • I have many photos in this auction of the actual item. Buyers can see the condition of the item. 
  • Don't make assumptions about the item and what they should include.
  • Item is usually boxed with crumpled newspaper. Heavy items I try to use denser fill. Item shouldn't be moving around in box when I am done packing.
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