Psychoanalytic Approaches to Loss: Mourning, Melancholia and Couples. (Library of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis)

von Koegh, Timothy and Cnythia Gregory-Roberts (eds.):

Koegh, Timothy and Cnythia Gregory-Roberts (eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
London; New York : Routledge, 2019.
Format / Einband
brosch. 150 Seiten.
ca. 258 g
Very good copy with small signs of wear. - Contents: Introduction -- TIMOTHY KEOGH -- PART I -- Theoretical understandings and clinical approaches to loss -- -- Psychoanalytic understandings of loss and their relevance to couples and families -- TIMOTHY KEOGH -- Link theory and object relations theory: an enriched approach to working with melancholic couples -- ELIZABETH PALACIOS -- Assessing and formulating issues of unresolved loss in couple functioning -- CYNTHIA GREGORY-ROBERTS AND TIMOTHY KEOGH -- -- A proposed theoretical framework and model for intervention TIMOTHY KEOGH AND CYNTHIA GREGORY-ROBERTS -- PART II -- Loss in couples and families: theory and practice -- The family's use of regressive defences as an avoidance of mourning -- ANNA MARIA NICOLÒ AND STEFANIA TAMBONE -- The lamp of tragedy past: traumatic intergenerational loss and the couple -- JUDITH PICKERING -- Some considerations regarding the impact of early parental loss on adult couple functioning CATRIONA WROTTESLEY -- Mourning and melancholia and the couple experience of a miscarriage -- CARL BAGNINI -- Loss in the everyday life of couples MONICA VORCHHEIMER -- Epilogue -- TIMOTHY KEOGH AND CYNTHIA GREGORY-ROBERTS -- Author Index -- Subject Index. ISBN 9781782205487
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Psychoanalytic Approaches to Loss: Mourning, Melancholia and Couples. (Library of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis)

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