Cross Pendant Alan K. 925 Sil Multicolor Cubic Zirconia Millefiori Murano Glass 3.5grams total weight

Alan K. is the mastermind behind the Millacreli, Designo, Millefiori, Murano Grand, Authentic Collection, Signature Collection and Exquisite Collections. His career has taken him all around the world making him a skilled expert on the art of jewelry making

During a visit to Venice, Italy, he was introduced to Murano glass making

Alan K. was amazed and inspired by this beautiful glass and began to incorporate his ideas with it


ALAN Better Known as ALAN K., is The Mastermind Behind the Signature Collection and Exquisite Collection

ALAN K’S Career Has Taken Hem All Around the World

Making Him a Skilled Expert on the Art of Jewelry Making

Starting at an Early Age im, He Learned the ins and Outs of the Jewelry Business

He Continued on to Study at Jewelry Art Schools in France and Went on to Cyprus and Monaco to Create Jewelry Designs for Various Companies

Later, During a Visit to Venice, Italy, He was Introd Uced to Murano Glass Making. ALAN K. was Amazed and Inspired by this Beautiful Glass and Began to Incorporate His Ideas with it

During His Time there, He Had the Opportunity to Work With One of the Oldest Murano Glass Factories that Had been Around Since the 1890s

He Then Started Creating His Own Pieces Using the Murano Glass and Sterling Silver in 1997


Murano is Actually one of Several Islands just Outside of Venice, Italy. In this Region, Each of these Islands Focuses in a Specialized Handcraft; Murano is Famous for their Art Glass Making

Culturally Rich with History, Tradition, Ancient Techn Iques and Art, Murano Glass Dates Early 982 and is the Oldest Glassmaking Tradition in Europe. It Incorporates its Heritage with Constant Technical and Artistic Innovation to Create Beautiful Art Sculpt Ures, Vases, Jewelry and More

Murano Art Glass is Only Made in Murano. Although, it is Very Much Imitated, there is Only One True Murano Glass and it is Protected by the Marchio Del

This Trademark Signifies that the Murano Glass was Made by an Approved Muranese Glassmaker