One (1) ProCinema 600 Center speaker in great condition. This can get a lot louder than the size would suggest. They were removed from the bedroom and were used seldomly.

The speaker will be packaged securely and shipped immediately after payment.

I am a seasoned eBay seller who has bought and sold a multitude of products and services on eBay. I've been scammed a few times as a buyer and seller so I know what it feels like on the negative end of the transaction. I am not here to make a quick buck by cheating or lying. I simply want to provide a great value and an honest experience for the buyer.

I will always prioritize making sure the items I sell can be enjoyed problem-free and I strive to include precise details about the item's functionality whether it be good or bad. If you feel like the item you received does not reflect this, please message me and I will do my best to sort it out.

Thank you!