2013 Ottawa

418 pages

Size: 6 1/4" x 9 1/4"

Language(s): English


This book elucidates the political and economic history ofthe Kurdish people who first composed a significant part of the Ottoman Empire,and later, of Republican Turkey. It goes on to explore the development ofArmenian-Kurdish relations with its entire vicissitudes. It comprehensivelyillustrates manifestations of the Armenian and the Kurdish Questions atinternational diplomatic forums and the political interactions of the twoneighboring nations in the last few decades. The Armenian Question is touchedupon here only as much as it is closely linked with the Kurdish Question. Thisvolume brings to the reader's attention that the Kurdish factor has had anegative impact on the development of the Armenian Question and was one of thereasons for the ultimate failure of the Armenian liberation movement.

Books > History > Genocide

Books > History > Foreign Relations

Books > History

Books > Armenian Question