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The Audio2000'S® AKM7016 key & digital echo karaoke mixing amplifier is an easy-to-use, yet sophisticated entertainment equipment designed and built with the goal of total entertainment. A rack-mount kit is included in the AKM7016 package to have the AKM7016 be a rack-mountable unit.

The AKM7016 key & digital echo karaoke mixing amplifier features three microphone inputs and two music source inputs. Up to three microphone inputs can be mixed with one of the two music sources. There is a master volume control knob to control the overall sound level. Two individual microphone volume control knobs are featured to adjust each microphone volume individually so that various loudness of individual voice can be compensated as desired. Both the microphone input sound and the music source input sound can have the tone adjusted through a treble tone control knob and a bass tone control knob respectively.

The AKM7016 key & digital echo karaoke mixing amplifier further features a key control function, an echo control function and a voice canceling function. The key control function provides the users the capabilities of adjusting the key of the background music to match the users' voice. The echo control function enables the users to control or adjust the echo volume, the echo delay, and/or the echo repeat. The voice canceling function enhances the users' entertainment capacity by allowing users to remove the multiplexed vocal sound from the background music as desired.

The AKM7016 key & digital echo karaoke mixing amplifier has been engineered for high quality sound with a wide dynamic range, low noise level. This is achieved with great attention to various product development stages, from the early product planning stage, through the high quality circuit design stage, to the final production stage with strict component selection. All of these make the AKM7016 key & digital echo karaoke mixing amplifier an enjoyable karaoke entertainment vehicle for all the users.

Features Configured To Be User Friendly

1. Digital Echo Control: Vol/Repeat/Delay-time

2. Three Microphone Inputs

3. Two (2) Individual Microphone Volume Controls

4. Microphone Tone Control (Treble/Bass)

5. Master Volume Control

6. Music Balance, Bass, Treble Control

7. UTAOKE/AFT Voice Auto Control

8. Record Out, Pre-out

9. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (IEC-A): 95dB

10. Two Input Source Selections

11. Max. Power Output (8 Ohms):50W + 50W


Power Output

50W X 50 W (max) (30W X 30W RMS)

Total Harmonic Distortion

0.2% @ 1KHz, -3dB, 8 Ω

Mic. Input Sensitivity

100mV @ 1KHz (T.H.D. 0.1%)

Music Input Sensitivity

150mV / 47 KOhms

Output Level

130mV / 50 KOhms

Freq. Response

25 - 80,000 Hz

Signal-To-Noise Ratio

95 dB

Tone Control Char. (Bass)

± 10 dB @ 100 Hz

Tone Control Char. (Treble)

± 10 dB @ 10 KHz

Power Consumption


Dimensions (W X H X D)

420 X 33 X 250mm (16.5" X 1.3" X 9.8")


6.0 Kg (13.2 lb)