This trade paperback book titled "Lady Gerfaut: Lament of the Lost Moors" by Jean Dufaux is a great addition to any comic and graphic novel collection. The book is published by Cinebook and has a publication date of 2016-02-07. It has a length of 10.1 inches, a width of 7.3 inches, and a height of 0.2 inches with a weight of 5.3 Oz. The book has 56 pages and is written in English.

The genre of this book is crime and mystery, making it a perfect read for those who enjoy suspense and thrill. With its captivating storyline and beautiful illustrations, the book will surely keep you engaged from start to finish. Get your hands on this used copy of "Lady Gerfaut: Lament of the Lost Moors" and enjoy a great read today.