98 x 184 cm

The cloth was known to be worn by Kings, Queens, and important figures of the state in Ghana’s society during ceremonial events and special occasions. The Kente cloth received its name from the term “kenten,” which means “basket,” because of the cloth’s woven design. Each Kente pattern was unique and had its own name. Weavers used vibrant colors in silk to create a beautiful weaving pattern with complex designs to portray the cloth’s profound philosophical meaning. Kente cloths represented the history, philosophies, ethics, and moral values of the Ghanaian culture. Today, Kente cloth is worn for many occasions such as graduations as academic stoles by many African American students during graduation ceremonies, the stoles presented to them individually during pre-commencement rituals called Donning of the Kente. They are also worn for Juneteenth, Kwanzaa, and other holidays as it is a means of connecting African Americans to their African roots.

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