This is an old data cd all about Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (1867-1951).  He was a Finnish military hero - but you probably already know that if you've found this sale.  Insert CD and let AUTORUN.exe take over or just click the index.html file and off it goes.  The CD is for foreign audiences as well meaning it has both ENGLISH and SPANISH buttons in the menu.  I clicked the ENGLISH button and was presented with lots of documents.  There are also FILMS (the films may only be in Finnish) which I watched using VLC player.

There may be other languages too.  I have included a screen shot of the MENU page from the CD that appears to have other languages listed.  I also included a screen shot of the SITE MAP (you'll have to ZOOM in on it in eBay to see it).

You need to have a CD player on your COMPUTER to view the files on this CD.  It may have to be a Windows PC, but maybe not.  I only tried it in Windows.