A Kiev 6S (Kiev 6C) medium format camera, with a full set of accessories, in its original leather case, with instruction manual. Items included in the sale along with the camera and case are a VEGA-12B 90mm f/2.8 lens, a set of high quality Soviet-era colour filters (with plastic cases), a set of extension tubes, a camera strap, a UV filter (installed on the lens), a rare Soviet-era K-6B 2x teleconverter (doubler), 1/4 inch tripod mount adapter (installed), a 120 film take-up spool, and both TTL and waist-level viewfinders. The TTL viewfinder has a built-in light meter, although its function has not been tested. 

This camera produces 6x6cm negatives on either 120 or 220 film. There is a knob on the camera to switch between the 120 and 220 formats. The lens mount is a Pentacon Six mount, so Pentacon lenses can also be used with this camera. Several other Soviet lenses also exist for this camera, including a wide angle MIR-38B (sold separately).

The camera body is in good condition, with a fully functional shutter, although there is some wear from normal use. The lens, however, is not fully functional. While the glass is clear and free from haze, the aperture is stuck on its widest setting, and does not stop down when the knob is turned. There is also some finish wear on the lens barrel and lens cap. The shutter fires accurately on all speeds, although the camera was not tested with film. This was a professional level camera in the Soviet era, surpassed in cost only by the Kiev 88 camera at that time.