So this pretty horse figurine has a bit of a story to it. I purchased it online from an auction site, and when it arrived it was broken in several places, the worst being its head had been sheared off. So contacted the sellers, got a refund, but was told not to return it, well it was just too pretty to just throw away, so I started thinking how to make it look perfectly fine, even though I knew I did not have the skill set to make it look like nothing ever happened. So thought of adding the florals, and that’s when I thought of the gilded curtain tie backs I had purchased the day before. When horses win a race they are often crowned with a wreath of flowers…well in the past, don’t know if they still are. So I set to work making the wreath, and when it was all said and done, I got the horse stabilized, so it is not pretty in those parts broken, but it is smooth glued, and filled, and painted. I made the flowers so that they are removable, so you can really clean the horse well, or better yet you can create new wreaths yourself to put around the horses neck, I thought the four seasons might be a cute idea. I still have 3 remaining tie backs if you are interested in purchasing them let me know, otherwise I will be hanging on to them for my own use. I looked and from all around you cannot see the break in his neck. The break on the back bottom hoof can be seen a bit, and the outward facing side the crack halfway up the leg can be seen, but overall is rather easy to miss. The piece seems to be sturdy now, prior none of the legs came off, but you could feel the loosening of those pieces, now it feels and is very solid. I used the combination of glass sand and super glue to mend the areas broke, then sanded it back and painted and applied a glossy coat in that area, if my color match skills were better it might have come out much better, but it is pretty good I think. Anyhow I think overall she looks gorgeous, and is ready for her new home. Made in Italy out of red clay, with a tin glaze, if not broken nit would have been just over a 100.00 piece, sad to say. So I tried to settle on a price that took into consideration the damage done, vs the decorative quality of the horse now. It is a fairly good sized piece as well at 11" high, by 10 1/8"in length, by 5 inches deep, and weights just under 3 pounds. Feel free to ask any questions prior to purchase, and I nope you find what you’re looking for. Please check out our other items for sale.🌸🌸