This is a Quad II Power Amplifier and Quad 22 Control Unit Instruction Manuals with Complete Schematic diagrams (Quad II).
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It is very vitally important to get this information if you plan to get a pair of this wonderful system!

A preview:
The Quad 22 Control Unit may be used with a single Quad II Power Amplifier for single channel installation, or with two Quad II power amplifiers to provide single channel and stereo reproduction. The power amplifiers contain no operating controls, so they may be mounted out of sight, usually in the bottom of the cabinet or other housing for the complete equipment. Adequate ventilation should be provided. If the available space is large, ventilation may be provided by a perforated back or by openings near the bottom and top of the back, making sure that these openings are not blocked by placing the cabinet against a wall. When a compact installation is required considerable care is needed in ventilation design to make use of "chimney" effects. Problems of installation will be eased if the power amplifiers are at least 2 feet from  gramophone pickups, pickup transformers and tape heads. The fuse, fuse holder cap and voltage adjusting screw are removed before packing to avoid transit damage and should be re-inserted upon installation. Two fixing screws are provided with each power amplifier so that it may be fastened in position. The control unit may be mounted in a cabinet panel of any thickness up to 20mm in a position decided by ease of handling and aesthetic considerations. It may be horizontal, vertical or in any other position. It is neither susceptible to, nor causes interference in associated equipment......

Loudspeaker Connections
The proper placing of loudspeakers is extremely important and will inevitably entail experimentation. A separate section is devoted to this subject. Initially however, an approximate position should be chosen for the speakers and since one of the services available with the control unit is to provide single channel on one loud speaker, it is necessary to decide which of the loudspeakers is to be operative on this service. In order to comply with a colour coding used throughout the equipment, the single channel speaker should now be designated "yellow" and the other speaker designated "blue". The two loudspeakers should now each be connected to one of the two power amplifiers making sure that the two pairs of wires are both connected in the same way . For example if the top terminal of one amplifier is connected to the right hand terminal of one loudspeaker, then the other loudspeaker and amplifier should be similarly wired. Should there be any doubt of the loudspeakers dissimilar, this point may be ignored at this stage and subsequently checked and corrected if necessary when the equipment is operating. The loudspeakers should have a nominal impedance of 15 ohms. Provision is made, however, for connection to 4-8 ohm loudspeakers by removing the base plate of the power amplifiers and removing the link between R and S on the output transformer, and linking instead tags Q to R and S to T..........

next 32 pages to read.....

Another 27 pages booklet/ manual, starting with:

Quad II Amplifier : For the closest approach to the original sound in speech and music reproduction.......Since its introduction it has been refined in detail, but the outstanding features anticipating trends in both amplifier and associated equipment progress have established the soundness of the basic design throughout the world. The criterium, as always, is that the reproduced sound shall be the closed approach to the original that the enjoyment and appreciation of music may be........a bit hard to read...