ORGANS AND ORGANISTS OF LINCOLN CATHEDRAL BY ROBERT PACEY. Published by Old Chapel Lane Books, Burgh le Marsh, Lincolnshire, 2010.  ISBN 0 9515806 5 5. A5 size stapled, 88 pages, 19 illustrations.  The chapters are - The organs up to 1822, when the old long serving organ was taken down, Anthony Buckingham who was to have built a new organ but was eventually dismissed by the Dean & Chapter, The William Allen organ, 1826, The Henry Willis organ 1898, Other organs in the Minster, and The Organists and the Masters of the Choristers. The book was first published as a small dupicated leaflet in 1988. In 1998, the centenary of the Henry Willis organ, the appeal organisers republished it  with addtitional sections by various writers relating to the centenary renovation of the organ. That edition has now gone out of print and so I have re-published my section of the book,  with new information on the organ which has come to light since then. I have also added a section on the organists and masters of the choristers and on the musical foundation in general for which there was not space in the last edition. 

Robert Pacey October 2010