FREDERICK HEATHCOTE SUTTON AND THE RESTORATION OF BRANT BROUGHTON CHURCH LINCOLNSHIRE EDITED BY ROBERT PACEY.   Published by Old Chapel Lane Books, Burgh le Marsh, 2011, 86  pages, 46  illustrations.  Frederick Sutton was the sixth son of Sir Richard Sutton and he became rector of Brant Broughton in 1872. He was a wealthy well travelled man with a passion for medieval art. The outside of the church was well known for its carvings and decoration, but the inside had been stripped of every vestige of its ancient fittings. He set about restoring it, paying for much of it himself. He desgined and made most of the stained glass and the village blacksmith made all the wrought iron decorative work. His architects were Messrs Bodly & Garner and the church today stands as a monument to their skill and taste. Every item of furnishing being of the highest quality. The first section is Sutton's diary of the restoration with his charming little drawings of features. Part two is a chronology of Frederick Sutton's life and work designing stained glass, organ cases furnishings and wall decorations. He died at the early age of 55 and was followed as rector by his nephew Arthur Sutton who continued the restoration work. Section 3 has two lectures given by Frederick Sutton on the use of colour in church decoration and painted roofs in churches. There is an account of his funeral which gives much information on his life and finally a section with descriptions and photographs of about twenty known organ cases which he designed.