PUBLICITY BOOKLET OF JAMES J. BINNS, BRAMLEY ORGAN WORKS LEEDS, 1924.  Originally published by J. J. Binns, Leeds 1924, reprinted by Old Chapel Lane Books, Burgh le Marsh, Lincolnshire, 2011. 46 pages, appromimately 9 illustrations, A4 size stapled.  

James Jepson Binns was one of the most prolific organ builders in the Yorkshire area from 1888 till his death in 1929. He is often referred to as 'Battleship Binns' from the solid contruction and bold tone of his organs, much influenced by those of Edmund Schulze. The booklet has the following sections :-  A description of the Bramley organ works,  organ construction including soundboards, feeders & reservoirs, pipework, action, and his own patent tubular pneumatic systems and adjustable piston system, and a description of the various stops which he used in his organs. Then follow descriptions and specifiation of organs he had built. He used a standard set of fifteen designs which he repeated many times, particularly in his moderate sized two and three manual instruments. The four manual organ were obviously fewer and more individual in design.  A rare book, one of my recent junk shop finds. I hope it will interest fellow organ enthusiasts.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Robert Pacey Christmas 2011.