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Soldiers of the Queen - Gosport as a Garrison Town, by Lesley Burton and Beryl Peacey

Published by the Gosport Society in 2002, 64 pages. A4 size booklet (N4597PE)

Gosport is a town on the south coast of England, and is situated on the western side of Portsmouth harbour opposite the city of Portsmouth itself. Gosport has a long history and tradition as a British Army town, and this booklet charts the military history of the town over past decades and centuries.

Illustrated throughout with lots of black and white photographs, drawings and maps, the booklet includes chapters on Forton Barracks, St George barracks, Haslar Barracks, and Browndown, and there are details on the regiments of the British Army that have been based in Gosport, on mutineers and musketry, and much more besides!

The condition of the booklet is generally good. The covers are clean and tidy, the staple spine is intact, and all pages are clean, intact, unblemished and tightly bound. There is an old price printed on the first inside page, and a small price sticker on the rear side cover. there is also slight roll along the left hand edge, and some minor scuffs and creasing along the edges and corners.

When we post our books, we take great care in packaging them - first your book will be wrapped in bubblewrap, which protects the book and even keeps out any rain (in the event that it's raining when the postie delivers it!). Then we wrap your book in stiff cardboard, taking care to make sure all the corners are protected, and finally the package is wrapped in thick brown paper.

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