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PATCHOULI HEALER FACE, HAND & BODY WASH~New Dawn Organic Aromatherapy Skin Care


New Dawn Patchouli Face, Hand & Body Wash


New Dawn skin and hair care products are of the highest quality possible. They contain 99% natural, 70-100% certified organic ingredients that have been specially selected because they can relieve your skin and scalp problems in the gentlest, most effective way as nature intended. Wonderful organic ingredients such as Essential Oils and Glycerine are used not only for their extraordinary healing qualities but because they can maintain happy, healthy, vibrant skin and hair. 


ACE!! Facewash really helping my adult spots & acne scars..Highly recommended!!!     

Great! Really working on my acne & my scars are fading!!! Getting more!! THANKS!      

2nd lot of this its really cleared up my spots & scars thanx a**        

Amazing, favourite thing I've ever bought for my skin! really works,

best face wash ever my skin looks better after 3 days thank you      

this face wash is the first I have ever used that works so impressed with

(Please see 'WILL THIS WORK FOR YOU' below)


Always buy sample sizes first and follow this routine for best results:

A 24hr patch test is advised before using any product that is new to your unique skin.

1. Wash: Splash warm (not hot) water on to your face to open up pores. Wash hands first and then apply small amount of gel to face, gently massaging onto face. Leave on for a minimum of 2 minutes before rinsing with plenty of warm (not hot) running water. A few splashes of cool (not cold) water will help to close pores before gently patting dry with a clean towel.

Then for further treatment (or if you need extra moisturisation) use a cream from the same Patchouli range:

2. Rich Cream for dry skin or Light Cream for all other skin types (use sparingly once a day at first): Gently apply to the area and leave to soak in. Increase to twice a day only if extra moisturisation is required.

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