United States Scott #C7(x2) tied on CAM Route 22 Extension to Laredo Texas Cover AAMC #22SW5 October 1, 1928.

The Mexican Postal Administration established Air Mail Service from Mexico City to Nuevo Laredo. Mexico and the service on Route 22 was therefore extended to Laredo on the above date to connect at the border with this service. This was not FAM service and in the case there is no f light across the border. The mail was trucked across the border from Laredo to Nuevo Laredo. The rate of postage from any point in the US to any point in Mexico was twenty cents.  The original plans called for the southbound mail from San Antonio to be dispatched on September 30; however this was later changed to October 1. Cachets exist showing both dates. The northbound flight from Laredo took place on the 2nd.  Dispatches to connect at Laredo with first Mexican flight were made on September 30 from points East of San Antonio on route 22.