ruth ce ballet, ....

1927 Johnson High School Annual The Maroon with great photographs and text showing the students, faculty, activities, candids, graphics, pictures of the school and surrounding, seniors baby pictures, humor, and great local advertisement. Seniors each get individual photos with list of clubs and accomplishments. Photographed sports include: football, basketball, hockey, swimming, and track. Great photos and beautiful vintage design!

Names of individually photographed graduating seniors include: dagmar abelson, elfrieda ahl, ray alberg, eva adnerson, lillian anderson, violet anderson, hoard bahnemann, mercedesbanholzer, carl baumeister, evelyn berg, mildred binder, mildred bloomquist, mildred boxmeier, evelyn brindley, kenneth brindley, marguerite brobakken, norman brobakken, valdy broman, iarving bruns, leo buberl, albert buelow, grace butler, joel cairo, catherine callahan, helen callahan, jennie capocasa, orville carlson, tensy carlson, violet carlson, rose caron, howard clang, muriel clark, josephine corbett, hazel cummins, delores curry, carl dahlin, mae dahlin, walter daniel, betty davis, richard dieter, eva dubriel, gertrude dduell, genevieve earthfield, marion ehlers, richard emery, merle erdst, helen eret, evelyn erickson, bart farrell, josephine fitch, catherine fogleberg, grace gormo, dorothy georgeson, josephine glenn, anna halverson, christine hanson, adeline hart, frances hart, winifred hauser, fern meckel, olive horan, alfred hobbins, helga holmes, robert holmgren, arthur hovland, viola huth, leslie ide, ruth jacobson, spanky's archive listing, lois jensen, elvera jerenberg, doris m. johnson, dorothy e. johnson, dorothy j. johnson, eleanor e. johnson, gladys johnson, howard c. johnson, myrtle johnson, lucille jordan, wilbur jurden, harold kapler, clarence kelly, milton kennedy, kenneth kinstler, ruth kochisek, ruth kohnke, raymond kopp, edna kraemer, leo krajewski, carl kreutz, rudolph kromer, irma kuesel, elsie larson, lloyd leider, arline lick, charles liedman, singrid lindbeck, mabel lindberg, jane lindeke, warren linnerooth, edward lundholm, enar lundquist, harold maier, ida may mathey, erma martenson, marion marvin, lauretta meis, bruce melin, ludvig mickelson, verna midtlien, clara mielke, elsie miller, loren moe, alice mulrennan, lucile murphy, justus nauman, esther nelson, laura nelson, violet nelson, walter nelson, gladys noid, dorothy norberg, harold nyberg, vera nyquist, dorothy oberg, eloise olson, george olson, irene olson, owen olson, virginia olson, ethel o'neill, geroge parker, ellen pearson, ethel peterson, mildred peterson, wilbur petter, la verne rademacker, mildred rathke, kermit ritter, howard rolig, harold roosen, chewster russ, bessie sandon, albert schabacker, harold schorr, wilbur schorr, dorothy schulte, bernhard seidl, gerald selander, helen shoemaker, kenneth skoog, leona skoog, hazel smedlund, alice smesmo, ruth smith, elsie soderman, dorothy sorenson, rachel sorlie, gladys splittstoesser, alice sponsil, ruth staffenson, florence stewart, irene stockman, arnold stromberg, irene strong, gladys swanson, walter swanon, arnold sundgaard, lehmann taylor, robert torgersen, kenneth trulson, henrietta tubridy, theresa van epps, lettie voerge, helen van lorenz, edward wallin, mildred walsh, kennard ward, kenneth ward, violet wennerlund, goldie weiger, rose westman, pearl whitcomb, gladys wilcox, vern williamson, glenn winton, margaret wulff, olive yueager, dorothy zachrison, gladys zimmerman. 

Very Good Condition with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or missing pieces, with minor shelf wear. Solid. 

Great rarity giving a true historic look at Saint Paul and the promising young  women and men from Johnson during the free market pre-Depression era, just waiting for a good home. 

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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