Wedge Pillow
The PharMeDoc® Bed Wedge Pillow

• Bed wedge pillows help open airways to reduce snoring, relieve back pain, and alleviate acid reflux for an easier night’s rest. Excellent wedge pillow for acid reflux.

• Incline design supports the lower body as well, promoting circulation and increasing leg comfort.

• Supportive layered memory foam conforms to your perfect sleeping position and keeps build after regular use.

• Removable bed pillow cover makes cleanup easy and endures 400+ washes.

Live Life on the Wedge

Sleeping on a wedge pillow helps open airway passages, allowing more oxygen to enter the lungs and helping reduce snoring. Its gradual incline also assists with any condition involving respiratory obstruction where breathing will be disturbed during sleep, such as sleep apnea and lung congestion while also easing acid reflux symptoms.

Wedge pillows provide support for your head, neck, back, and legs. Slope design also stimulates blood flow at night, improving lower-body circulation and reducing varicose veins caused by hormones during pregnancy or weakened veins. Wedge pillows can also be used for back support while sitting upward as you relax with your book or to watch TV.

Wedge pillows are meant for anyone seeking relief from acid reflux, GERD, heartburn, sleep apnea, varicose veins, postoperative swelling, pains associated with pregnancy, muscle tension, sore necks, poor posture, shoulder-aches, head and lung congestion, tension headaches, and unwanted pressure points.