Humi-Care Black Ice Cigar Humidor Humidifier Crystal Gel Pie Jar -  (4oz)

One look at this jar, and it seems all but the same as Humi-Care's top-notch, award-winning humidification beads. But a closer look reveals a lot more ingenuity than that. These new, advanced capacity Black Ice beads ensure a slower, steadier release of moisture, ensuring even greater humidity stability than before (65-70%).

And here’s where the "oh-damn" moment happens. Black Ice ‘Pie Jars’ separate into 4 equal-sized pieces, allowing for more proportional humidity distribution. Plus, they free up a ton of wasted space by fitting snugly in the corners of your humidor. Genius! Don't bother trying to compare this to another jar you'll find somewhere else. Humi-Care Black Ice has no equal.

This is the 4oz smaller jar designed for 100 capacity and smaller humidors.