1921 Newton High School Annual The Newtonian with great photographs and text showing the  students, faculty, activities, sports, literature, graphics, pictures of school and surrounding, class history and prophecy, and local advertisement.  Seniors each get individual photos with list of clubs and accomplishments and home address. Great condition, wonderful photographs and vintage design! 

Of Some Interest: > Photographed sports include football, boys and girls basketball, ice hockey, field hockey, tennis, and field hockey.

Names of individually photographed graduating seniors include: janice abbott, madelon bartlett, elizabeth benett, daniel bianchi, george blackett, charles blair, emily blaisdell, ruth bliss, george bowen, alice brace, dorothy brackett, helen bray, john brewer, geraldine brock, ida broughton, charles brown, kenneth brown, raymond brown, sidney brown, carolyn butts, joel cairo, john cannon, reginald capon, william chapple, russell clark, joseph clapp, dwight colburn, dorothy colby, flroence cole, wayne conner, wilfred cormier, edward crane, henry cross, claire curley, elizabeth cushman, elizabeth daly, robert darrell, frances davis, dorothy dodd, kathleen doherty, elizabeth donovan, james dow, prescott drowne, kirby ducayet, allan dunlop, carolyn dunton, eleanor duffield, a. elizabeth fairchild, marion forsyth, edith frost, virginia gibson, anthony gleason, theodore grant, donald gray, margaret greenleaf, dorothy griffin, cameron guiler, kasper gutman, helen hamilton, elizabeth hammond, helen hannan, philip hardy, donald harding, frances hatch, helen hebert, kenneth henderson, elizabeth henry, george hill, welles holmes, george horr, henry houghton, mary howard, edith howlett, evelyn hunt, robert hurley, robert huss, elizabeth jack, anna james, gordon jenkins, herbert and pauline johnson, allen kawel, arthur kellaway, charles kelliher, natalie knox, alton lamont, florence lamont, spanky's archive listing, mildred laubner, david lawlor, barbara leach, edmund leeds, sheldon leith, eshter leitner, doris lewis, alice libbey, gertrude linnehan, edwin loughrey, gladys macdonald, elizabeth macmillan, benjamin margolin, jeannette martin, wilbur maynard, dorothy mccaul, clarence mcdavitt, john mckeon, margaret mcowen, morris meilman, julia middleton, eleanor millard, ruth millard, walter morse, hawley morton, charles murphy, lyman nivling, macarthur noyes, lois nutter, john francis o'brien, john d. o'connor, grace o'hara, charles o'malley, bernie ohls,  frederick onthank, shattuck osborne, ruth pearson, catharine pedley, george peirce, evelyn eprry, helen pratt, james quartz, charles regan, donald reynolds, howard rich, mary roche richard, burr richards, robert richmond, lilla ritcey, ruth robbins, francis russell, carmen and vivian rutledge, robert salinger, roger salinger, harrison sawyer, carl schipper, john george schultz, marjorie scott, barbara simpson, eleanor smith, alfred stafford, eleanor steadman, robert stopford, william stopford, anastasia switzer, marion symonds, alice tapper, katharine taylor, william haviland taylor, dorothy thompson, margery tower, marjorie tucker, cedric valentine, frances varney, george vuilleumier, harry weare, gertrude welch, mary welch, clark weymouth, miriam white, thomas white, henry and miriam whitmore, franklin wiggin, john louis wiggin, marjorie wilson, estelle willing, edmund woodward, and esther leach. 

Local Advertisement includes: Lovell & Covel Chocolates, Chase & Sanborn Coffee, Theodore Dangelmayer's Boulevard Pharmacy and Soda Fountain, J. J. Murray Optometrist, Folly's Confectionery, Cochrane & Stimets Grocery, Moore Fountain Pens, and many others ..................

Very good condition hardback issue with tight binding and text and clean pages, complete with no must or mildew. Solid.  

Great rarity giving a true historic look at Newton Massachusetts and the promising young women and men at NHS during the Warren G. Harding years, just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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Spanky's Archive, over 8000 Ebay positive feedback and 30 years in business.