Confrontation miniatures in top condition! Rare because Rackham doesn´t produce these miniatures.
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S'Ygma, scholar and renowned magician, has embraced the cause of Vice which burns and divides the Ophidian Alliance from within. He left the venerable libraries of Belgorn to wander the world and fight battles. The orb of destruction of the Ophidian is famous for its bolts. S'Ygma is also said to be immune to magic or faith.
This box contains the necessary elements to put together S'Ygma, Ophidian adept. S'Ygma is an Adept of Darkness and Water (typhonism, enskëm, POW 6). Thanks to Recovery/3, this powerful magician can generate mana in great quantities. S'Ygma can use the Orb of Destruction to cast bolts on his victims; Arykao's parasol gives him Insensitive/5. This box contains 1 miniature and 5 cards for Confrontation, Rag'Narok and Cadwallon: S'Ygma (reference card), Arykao's parasol (artefact worth 13 A.P.), The Orb of destruction (artefact worth 17 A.P.), Wings of the abyss (spell worth 10 A.P.), Path of danger(spell worth 15 A.P.). S'Ygma Rank : Ophidian adept. 115 A.P.

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