Title in This Set
Nixa The Death Bringer                       ISBN - 9781408303764
Equinus The Spirit Horse                     ISBN - 9781408303771
Rashouk The Cave Troll                      ISBN - 9781408303788
Luna The Moon Wolf                            ISBN - 9781408303795
Blaze The Ice Dragon                           ISBN - 9781408303818
Stealth The Ghost Panther                   ISBN - 9781408303801
(KRABB) Master of the Sea                 ISBN - 
(HAWKITE) Arrow of the Air                 
ISBN - 9781408304389  
(ROKK) The Walking Mountain           
 ISBN - 9781408304396   
(KOLDO) The Arctic Warrior                
ISBN - 9781408304402   
(TREMA) The Earth Lord                    
 ISBN - 9781408304419 
(AMICTUS) The Bug Queen                
ISBN - 9781408304426

Nixa the Death Bringer
Taladon the Swift has returned! But to Toms horror, his father is a ghost. To save Taladon, Tom must battle the Ghost Beasts and collect the pieces of the shattered Amulet of Avantia. First is Nixa the Death-Bringer- will her deadly disguises lure Tom to his death?

Equinus The Spirit Horse
Equinus the Spirit Horse crashes through the forests of the Forbidden Land, stealing the life forces of other creatures. Tom must dodge the Ghost Beasts flying hooves and take the fragment of Amulet that Equinus guards- or Toms father will remain a ghost for ever

Rashouk The Cave Troll
Lurking in the Dead Peaks is Rashouk the Cave Troll. The Ghost Beast smells out his victims fear- and turns them to stone. It will take all of Toms courage to capture Rashouks piece of the Amulet of Avantia, but failure means never seeing his father again

Luna The Moon Wolf
At night, the Dead Wood comes alive with wild animals made ferocious by the spell of Luna the Moon Wolf. To save his father, Tom must collect the pieces of the Amulet of Avantia- which means battling Lunas murderous magic

Blaze The Ice Dragon
The volcano at Stonewin is frozen over and the lands are blasted with a deadly cold. This is the work of Blaze the Ice Dragon, sent by wicked Wizard Malvel to thwart Toms quest to save his father. Can he defeat Blaze and win the next piece of the Amulet before its too late?

Stealth The Ghost Panther
Wizard Malvels final Beast has reached the doors of King Hugos Palace! Stealth the Ghost Panther lassoes victims with his tails and makes good people bad. To rescue his father, Tom must capture the final piece of Amulet from Stealths collar- before all Avantia is turned to evil!

(KRABB) Master of the Sea
In the realm of Gwildor, the Mistress of the Beasts is under a curse, and her ferocious Beasts are destroying the land. Tom vows to break the spell, but when deadly Krabb ambushes his boat, it looks like the Quest may already be over
(HAWKITE) Arrow of the Air
Fearsome Hawkite has destroyed the crops of Gwildor and the people are starving. Tom must stop their suffering and free the Mistress of the Beasts. But can he convince the hostile villagers he is there to help and how will he fight a Beast in the air?

(ROKK) The Walking Mountain
Tom is on a quest to free the Mistress of the Beasts from an evil curse. But when he arrives in a mountain town devastated by terrible rockfalls, he realises the destruction has been wreaked by a Beast as powerful as the mountain itself...

(KOLDO) The Arctic Warrior
Gwildors arctic people have cruelly imprisoned Koldo the Arctic Warrior. Koldo is a good Beast who wants to protect the land, so Tom sets about freeing him. But the shocking arrival of Freya, Mistress of the Beasts, brings a new and terrible danger...

(TREMA) The Earth Lord
Fearsome Trema lurks in the bowels of the earth, only emerging to feast on his prey. If Tom is to defeat the Beast and lift the curse on Freya, the Mistress of the Beasts, he has no choice but to brave the underworld. But a terrible shock is waiting for him above ground...
(AMICTUS) The Bug Queen
Toms quest to free the Mistress of the Beasts brings him to a sweltering jungle. There he must defeat cunning Amictus. But what chance does Tom have against the Beasts incredible speed? And what is the secret his father and Wizard Aduro are keeping from him?