Our EMF Electrosmog Meter SME (FEC-001) is a handy and affordable electrosmog meter that, in conjunction with the corresponding app, turns any smartphone (Android Google or iOS Apple) into a smart meter & detector.



The small shapely aluminum add-on sensor (10x30mm) simply is plugged into the headphone jack of the smartphone, the app loaded (search for FTLAB in the Play Store / App Store) and the measured values can easily be recorded and read. When not in use, the measuring attachment fits into any trouser pocket.




Electrosmog is inextricably linked to our present idea of comfort. Microwave ovens, computers, cell phones, Wi-Fi, televisions in every room of the home, but also transmission towers, power lines, cables and wireless technologies are increasingly endangering people's health.

Studies have proven that invisible electrosmog influences our health in many ways. Thus it has harmful effects on the immune system, the nervous system, the learning ability as well as on moods and behavior patterns. Hormonal dysfunction and disruption of intercellular communication can lead to carcinomas and tumors as well as leukemia. Headaches, chronic fatigue, stress, dizziness, heart problems and insomnia are further health problems associated with electrosmog.

A strong electrosmog contamination can inhibit the nocturnal melatonia production of our body. This is suspected to promote a range of cancers such as breast or prostate cancer, colorectal carcinoma, melanoma, ovarian cancer and childhood leukemia.

With our smart electrosmog meter you can detect and avoid these dangers.



Measuring range:
1 ~ 2000 V/m
Electromagnetic field (EMF)
16 Hz ~ 100 kHz
Sensor Type:
Semiconductor Sensor
minimum response:
1 V/m
User Interface:
Smart Phone (Earphone Jack)
App via Play Store or App Store
Operating System iOs:
from version 7.0
Operating System Android:
from version 4.2
6 g
30 x 10mm