Our new pH- and salinity measuring instrument TMT-PH-0259 is a lightweight and small. It is suitable with his special measuring range of 0-199 ppt for quick and easy determination of salinity and density of the conductance ppt. The ultraportable measuring instrument provides for a high measuring accuracy and quick gate times. The two external probes it enables a simple and comfortable reading of the values shown on the display.




In the aquarium you can avoid a whole set of problems by the precise determination of the salinity of water (e.g. water change) Industrial applications are beverage production, pisciculture, food production, photography, laboratory and paper manufacturing.



Measuring range:
pH: 0.00 - 14.00 pH
Salt: 0 - 199.9 ppt
pH: 0.01 pH
Salt: 0.1 ppt
Measuring accuracy:
pH: +/- 0.1 ph
Salt: +/- 2% F.S
Operating temperature:
0°C - 50°C
Temperature compensation:
0°C - 50°C
Power supply:
DC6V + 230V Mains Adapter
200 g
110mm x 51mm x 22mm