Dark Water Extracts 8oz pump bottle

New, Highly concentrated formula

Acids and Tannins in Dark Water Extracts have natural anti-bacterial and anti-fugal properties, which can reduce stress in aquarium livestock and reduce the risk of fish and shrimp diseases.

Dark Water can be used to promote spawning in breeding tanks and induce spawning in many species. Dosing Dark Water Extracts will help aquarium water mimic natural environments where tannins absorb into the aquatic habitat. Dark Water will also provide soothing effects for fish under stress or recovering from disease. 

Ideal for breeding betta fish and other species that require acids and tannins in aquarium water.  Easy and effective substitute for typically used; Indian almond catappa leaf, banana leaf, yucca extract, alder cones, Malaysian drift wood, and peat. 

Normal Dosages: 
- General dose: 1 pump per 10 gal. weekly
- Breeding dose: 1 pump per 10 gal. every other day
- Water change dose: 1 pump per 5 gal. to new water

Dark Water Dosages:
- Dark water dose: 2 pumps per 5 gal. weekly
- Water change dose: 2 pumps per 1 gal. to new water

Analysis: (Humic Acid – 2.0%) (Fluvic Acid – 1.0%) Derived from Leonardite Shale. Also contains Banana leaf extract, Catappa leaf extract

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