1927 Concordia College School Annual The Concordian with great photographs and text showing the students, faculty, activities, graphics, pictures of the school and surrounding, humor, and local advertisement. Photographed sports include: football, basketball, baseball, tennis, and bowling. Seniors each get full page with large individual photos and personal paragreaph.  Great photos and beautiful vintage design.

Individually photographed graduating seniors include: fred walker (lakewood oh), felix kretzschmar (fort smith, ar), john m. block (elyria oh), paul badonsky (akron oh), william bandt (fort wayne in), herbert behrens (crete il), alfred bodtke (berrien springs mi), joel cairo (egypt), norman ellermann (st. louis, mo), theodore felten (alden iowa), kenneth frankenstein (effingham il), erwin heidorn (chicago il), john grapatin (cleveland oh), howard halter (cleveland oh), john m. hieber (fort wayne), john hohengarten (st. louis), raye hohenstein (st. paul mn), elmer kettner (wanatah in), norman kline (cincinnati oh), carl klitzke (chicago), walter lieder (detroit me), alfred kretzmann (kendallville in), hugo malte (west valley ny), gerhard michael (pittsburgh pa), william miehe (st. louis), martin moellering (fort wayne), martin w. mueller (buffalo ny), arthur rebber (seymour in), gustave reschke (benton harbor mi), john f. schutt (pembroke ontario), and ralph steude (toledo oh). .... individually photoed juniors include: e. barell, h. beitz, r. bosse, h. boyer, l. braeuing, m. cizmar, b. claus, j. fabry, h. frankenstein, p. frsich, f. gamee, e. garlo, p. gompf, h. halter, m. harmon, a. herkamp, l, hoeppner, m. horst, o. horstman, e. jackemeyer, e. kassing, j. keck, w. kownig, h. luecke, j. melzer, c. miller, p. mroch, e. nye, h. ott, r. prohl, c. rusch, e. schmidt, a. schnute, f. schoerner, u. schramm, h. schulenberg, h. schulz, c. schumacher, g. seager, m. sommerfield, a. starck, m. struve, r. stuckmeyer, e. stuempfig, and g. winterstein. 

Individually photographed teachers include: frederich zucker, jospeh m. schmidt, william burhop, karl henrichs, walter hansen, george schick, paul bente, william kruse, walter herrling, john kunstmann, martin stoeppelwerth, ernest lewerenz, henry mensing, george p. schmidt, otto schmdt, edwin schendler, martin bertram, arthur nitz, john vojtko, frederick l. miller, and henry hartmann. 

Very Good Condition with tight binding and text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or missing pieces, with minor shelf wear. Solid. 

Great rarity giving a true historic look at Concordia and its promising young men during the Calvin Coolidge - Hoagy Carmichael years, just waiting for a good home. 

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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