1788 COSTUMES Dress Illustrated Clothing Persia ARABIA Tibet Java Serbia Armenia


First published in 1784, Sylvain Marechal’s ‘Civil Costumes’ was an impressive and important work on the cultures of people groups from all over the world. It has 73 full-page, hand-colored engravings depicting clothing and costumes from Western cultures, African and Native American tribes, Pacific Islanders, and from all over the rest of the known world. These incredible illustrations were engraved by Grasset de Saint-Sauveur.

This third volume from the 1788 edition covers the clothing, cultures, and religion of the inhabitants of Arabia, Kyrgyzstan, Serbia, Java and Indonesia, Tibet, Eastern Slavic regions, Persia, and Armenia. The illustrations depict both men in women in formal dress including the upper bourgeoisie, Sultans, warriors, and even children.


Item number: #8605

Price: $795




Costumes civils actuels de tous les peuples connus dessinés d'après nature gravés et coloriés accompagnés d'une notice historique sur leurs coutumes, moeurs, religions... rédigés par M. Sylvain Maréchal


A Paris, Chez Pavard, Editeur, rue St. Jacques, N p0 s 240. Et se trouve Chez Knapen & Fils, Imprimeurs-Libraires, au bas du Pont St. Michel. Chez Bailly, Libraire, rue St. Honoré, Barriere des Sergens. Chez Gastey, Libraire, au Palai-Royal, et chez tous les Libraires de l'Europe. M. DCC. LXXXVIII. [1788].



·       Collation: Complete with all pages; volume III

o   73 hand-colored engraved plates throughout

·       Language: French

·       Binding: Leather; tight & secure

o   Oil damage throughout sustained during the life of the book

·       Size: ~8.5in X 6.5in (22cm x 16.5cm)


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