Full Title: Yitzhak Rabin 1922-1995 (Special Edition) (The Merger of Beilinson & Golda Campus into The Rabin Medical Center)

Kupat Holim Clalit; Alpha Communications, Israel, 1996. Hardcover in glassine jacket. Text by Ze'ev Galili. Photographic Editor Moshe Milner. Stated 'Special Edition'. There are couple of copies of the book titled 'Yitzhak Rabin 1922-1995' published by Alpha Communications. That is the second title page in my book. The first title page has the title 'The Merger of Beilinson & Golda Campus into The Rabin Medical Center', the statement of Special Edition and Kupat Holim Clalit at the bottom of the page. I was unable to find any other copy for sale on the Internet that references any of the above. This first title page is followed by a two pages with statements by then Pres. Bill Clinton after the assassination of Mr. Rabin, along with a photograph of President Clinton at the gravesite. That is followed by a two pages with a statement by the former Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. The next page has a statement by Leah Rabin. The next by the Director-General of Kupat Holim Clalit, and then there are several pages of photographs showing Mr. Rabin at various Medical Centers.