Konsola telefoniczna KUDA – kompletne rozwiązanie.

Konsola telefoniczna KUDA do  Subaru Forester / Impreza z 2007r

Oferowana konsola wykonana jest z ekoskóry.


Oferuję konsolę telefoniczną do Subaru Forester / Impreza z 2007 roku


Konsola dostosowana jest do danego modelu pojazdu i doskonale komponuje się z kokpitem samochodowym. Producentem jest znana niemiecka firma Kuda Phonebase, lider europejskiego rynku akcesoriów samochodowych. Marka ta znana jest z niezawodności i wysokiej jakości produktów. Strona producenta: http://www.telefonkonsolen-shop.de/ 

W ofercie producenta znajdują się również konsole nawigacyjne. (My też je zapewniamy).

Nie masz pomysłu, co zrobić z telefonem podczas jazdy samochodem? Chcesz mieć go pod ręką podczas podróży lub krótkiego wypadu?

It’s about time to buy a Kuda phone console that is perfectly matched to the interior of your car!

  • Kuda’s (console) security concept:

By using the kuda installation system, you control everything, especially your phone.  You are able to use your device without changing the position behind the wheel and keeping an eye on what is happening on the road. In addition, Kuda Phonebase consoles are extremely safe and easy to use: they do not have sharp edges, they are not flammable, in case of an accident they don’t fall to small sharp pieces. This is the well-thought-out concept of security. 

  • Individual solutions

Each type of vehicle has its own individual characteristics. We are prepared for it and that's why we offer special fixing systems for every car brand. Users can be sure that the console will fit perfectly into his car.

  • Attractive look

Kuda Phonebase products are not only safe and easy to use, but also have an interesting and modern appearance. We offer individual solutions tailored to the interior of each vehicle. At this auction, we sell a console made of black eco leather.

  • Easy mountage

Consoles manufactured by KUDA Phonebase are simple to setup. Even amateur can handle it. We guarantee that they will keep well without drilling any holes.


We also offer holders for the phone and console mount systems ( they are not included in set!)

Attention! The one and only object of this offer is KUDA phone console, without the holder and phone visualized in presented picture! THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE PHOTO!

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