Coffee Shop Business Smart Startup : How to Start, Run & Grow a Trendy Coffee House on a Budget, Paperback by Robinson, Rick, ISBN 1981925678, ISBN-13 9781981925674, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

Coffee Shop Business Smart Startup

How to Start, Run & Grow a Trendy Coffee House on a Budget

Driving around the city in any metropolitan areas we all see trendy coffee shops everywhere and not all of them are Starbucks. Do you ever wonder why there are so many new boutique coffee shops popping up everywhere? Well, according to National Coffee Association (), it is not a hoax, but the new trend and this is the reality. The coffee industry and the coffee shop business have boomed in recent years, especially with regards to specialty coffees.

Here is What CCAUSA Has Gathered From Their Research:

Let these number sink in for a minute. Let’s agree that all these numbers are saying one thing that is the coffee industry has been on the rise for last few years, and it will continue to grow.

This is What You Will Learn in This Book:

If you are thinking about opening a coffee house, here are the 13 steps that you will need to take.

If you are ready, let’s get started, let’s see how we can put you in the driver’s seat of a very successful trendy coffee shop that you can be proud of.