Black Kyanite has the uncanny ability to sweep debris and negative energy and blocks from your chakras and auric field, once this is done you are free to fly high on your crystalline broom.

Black Kyanite is a grounding crystal, which both opens and aligns all the chakra. Black Kyanite balances yin yang energies. Black Kyanite stimulates psychic development on all levels, and is useful for beginners, as it also protects.

Black Kyanite will aid meditation and communication with guides. Black Kyanite helps with dream analysis and insight. Black Kyanite assists with making decisions.

Black Kyanite is a grounding crystal, which both opens and aligns all the chakra. Black Kyanite balances yin yang energies. Black Kyanite stimulates psychic development on all levels, and is useful for beginners, as it also protects.

Kyanite is an aluminum silicate mineral. Kyanite is characterized by its color (usually blue), differing hardness, perfect cleavage and bladed crystal form.

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