1778 Voet LAW Commentary on Justinian Pandects Corpus Juris Civilis MANUSCRIPT


Johannes Voet was a 17th-century was a Dutch jurist who is best known for his commentary on Justinian’s ‘Digest’ or ‘Pandectae’. ‘Pandectae’ is a collection of juristic treatises taken from various legal writings of Ulpian and Paulus that became law – the largest portion of the ‘Corpus Juris Civilis’.


Voet’s commentary was different from others at the time in that he attempted to show how Justinian’s law Codex applied to day-to-day Dutch life


Item number: #10400

Price: $795


VOET, Johannes


Commentarius ad pandectas In quo praeter Romani Juris principia ac controversias illustriores, Jus etiam hodiernum, & praecipuae Fori Quaestiones excutiuntur 2 Continet octo & viginti libros posteriores.


Coloniae Allobrogum : Fratres De Tournes, 1778.



·       Collation: Complete with all pages; 2 volumes

o   Vol. I – [176], 792

o   Vol. II – [4], 978

·       Language: Latin

·       Binding: Manuscript vellum; secure

·       Size: ~15in X 9.25in (38cm x 23.5cm)


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