Test Card F : Television, Mythinformation and Social Control, Paperback by Anonymous; Et Al, ISBN 1873176910, ISBN-13 9781873176917, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

<div><i>Test Card F</i> is a graphic demolition derby through the culture of a factory farmed and show-shocked society, a society whose sell-by date has long since expired. Using savage image/text cut and paste, this controversial book explodes all previous media theories and riots through the Global Village, looting the ideological supermarkets of all its products: anti-fascism, Malcolm X, James Bulger, the Gulf War, Satanic Abuse, Somalia, and Eastern Europe.<br><i>Test Card F</i> joyrides in front of the surveillance cameras, amidst the rubble of a junkyard nation, and heaves television&#39;s burnt-out carcass through the plate glass shop window of &#34;independent&#34; video and &#34;community access&#34; broadcasting. It transcends postmodern and Situationist analysis in its positive refusal of the concept of Truth.<br><i>Test Card F</i> has no named authors; it originates in the pirate transmissions of the unruly squatters of cyberspace when scheduled programming closes down for the night.<br></div>