How to use.

  1. Before use gently lift the cups piston to ensure a smooth airflow.
  2. Insert the small end of tube connector into the green rubber adapter connected to the pump.
  3. Insert the big end of connector tube into green rubber adapter and put it onto a cup body.
  4. After installation , pull a trigger of the vacuum gun and check the air flow.
  5. place the cup on a spot where treatment is needed , and pull the pump 2-3 times to reach the appropriate negative pressure.
  6. After the body surface was pulled inside the cup, gently turn the cup left and right , then press cup piston down to prevent air leakage.
  7. After the treatment cup can be removed by lifting a piston.


 The technique of  suction cups or Cupping  has been practiced in  China for thousands of  years to treat all kinds  of illnesses and pains. 
The Cupping is a form of  acupuncture that does  not use a needle and it  focuses on the revival  of the blood, and qi  energy of different  fluids circulating in  our tissues, such as the  lymph fluid. 

 Oriental Medicine  asserts that pain is the  result of the stagnation  of these systems, which  favors the stress and /  or many types of  injuries. 

 This set of 24 plastic  suction cups (8 imen)  equipped with a vacuum  pump need not be heated,  unlike the traditional  versions and are very  easy to use and not  painful at all.

This set comes in its  new and original  packing. Includes 24  different sizes of  suction cups, suction  pump and accessories , 

The cupping is most  effective by
Stomach pain 
The headaches, the  headaches 
Back pain 
Soft Tissue Injury 
Menstrual pain 
The tonsillitis 
Tooth pain 
Usually after each  session with circular  bruises appear, like the  "cup" that 
disappear in about a  week without causing any  damage. 
Cupping is the totally  harmless. 
Like everything that  concerns their health,  we recommend 
consulting your  physician if in doubt.

Package Contains:

1 x Box Vacuum Cupping

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