Matt Black De Chrome Kit. Comes in choice of width and length and will arrive as a single roll not in bits! From 1 metre for small jobs upto 25 metre rolls for trade or larger jobs. The material is a FULL CAST Wrapping vinyl made in German by Orafol. This is the same material used to do FULL Car wraps so is perfect for chrome deletes or Belt line Kits. Please message us if you have any further questions.

Application instructions




This product is Oracal 970 RA. It is a premium wrapping vinyl used by vinyl wrap installers worldwide.


Tools you may need 


Wrapping glove

Sharp Knife or scalpel blade

Heat gun / hair dryer will do

Cleaner & cloths 


This material has technology in the adhesive which at first touch may feel untacky and you would be forgiven to think it will not stick! 

If you follow these simple instructions you will have no issues at all.

1.       The application temperature is crucial to the success of this product. The air temperature and temperature of the material must be between 18-23 degrees. Any lower or higher will cause application issues. As winter draws in you will need to fit indoors in a controlled environment 

2.        Clean the area you want to wrap thoroughly and avoid using greasy cleaners, alcohol wipes are a great tool if you don’t have the correct pre wrap cleaners. Ensure the surface is bone dry before attempting to apply the film.

3.      The adhesive is heat pressure and time sensitive, for the adhesive to work correctly you must follow these rules. A. Correct fitting temperature B. Use pressure when applying with your glove or squeegee C. Leave in controlled environment overnight to allow the adhesive to cure.

4.      Remove backing paper, stick to the area to be wrapped. Reposition if necessary. The adhesive has microscopic air channels so you can work trapped air out with your squeegee or wrapping glove. Leave for a short time to allow adhesive to start to cure. You may need to tuck in or trim excess material. Remember if you are tucking the material to ensure the hidden area is also thoroughly cleaned.

5.      Leave overnight for adhesive to cure.

As this is a cast material it is conformable with a little heat. If you are following curves warm the material very slightly and work the material to shape 

Make sure you don’t try to work the material with the heat source still on it or if it is too hot, as this will stretch and ruin the material.



Use conventional car cleaning materials do not jet wash.


If you still have any issue please get in touch through ebay for help and advice