This lactic acid is food grade and is used for the production of several types of cheeses. It is particularly useful when UHT or powdered milk are used as the starting materials, since the heat treatments used in the production of these milks deactivates the lactose and prevents the cheese culture from being able to turn it fully into lactic acid. The inclusion of additional lactic acid prior to rennetting overcomes this shortage and improves the curd yield.

The product is presented in a dropper bottles holding 100ml, to ensure an accurate dosing of milk and achieve consistent results when cheese making...

Lactic acid  is a vital ingredient in Ricotta Impastata, Mozzarella, Queso Blanco and other speciality cheeses and can be used in the production of sour milk products, such as Koumiss, Laban, Kefir, as well as some cottage cheeses. In production, Lactic acid is usually added so that the pH of the milk is 5.0

The casein in fermented milk is coagulated (curdled) by lactic acid and it is also responsible for the sour flavor of sourdough breads.

Please note that a wide range of cheese cultures,  waxes, coatings, cloths, presses and many other cheesemaking sundries are all available in our eBay shop - please take a look!

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