Note: As of July 31, 2023, eBay will start evaluating transactions with "Item Not Received" issues. Sellers with a higher than market average “Item not received” rate may be subject to listings being ended or removed, adjusting selling limits, and/or suspending all relevant accounts. Since I started with eBay 24 years ago I only provide free shipping and ship worldwide without tracking. I have had a few claims over the years for items not received, thus I might get into trouble with this new policy in place. So I have no choice but to start charging an additional USD$2.80 tracking fee by shipping with registered airmail. I thank you all for your kind understanding on this. You only have to pay for the tracking fee, I'm still providing free shipping. 

This listing was previously selling at $19.95. We manage to 
negotiate a cheaper price for our new stocks, we now offer it 
at $17.85. You saved $2.10. That is a 10.5% discount!

Offering here are 7 pieces of 
Cariniana Pods, also known as the savu pod or the trumpet pod. 

Measuring at approximately 1 inch wide x 2~3 inches long, (2~3cm wide x 6~8cm long), they are great for any indoor or outdoor table top or vase decoration purposes. They are very hardy and strong, even if under water they last about 1 year before breaking down. They will last much longer for many years if just by displaying. These seed pods are highly sort after as they are a cool floral decoration crafts botanicals potpourri pods by themself.

Note : These are all natural seed pods, please expect varies measurements where there will surely be differences from one to another.