This is a great Victorian scene, but is that dog holding the reins in his mouth? There is a small light stain around the dogs head, but it's not easy to see. The rest of the card is outstanding! "SCOTCH OIL * Never fails to cure spavins, curbs, etc., and leaves no blemish" (On the back) "WILD INDIAN LUNG BALSAM * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  PREPARED BY N. A. GILBERT & CO. * ENOSBURGH FALLS, VT." Please look closely at the 6 large scans to see the complete condition. Printed and given away free, just to advertise this "cure all" in the 1880's. Beautiful original colors, and even a bit brighter than shown in the scans." Any questions, please email me.  ** Size approx. 2 5/8" x 4 1/2" **   We  SUPER pack everything we sale for extra protection while in the Postal System! WE SELL & MAIL WORLD WIDE, BUT THROUGH EBAY GLOBAL SHIPPING ONLY!  GUARANTEED AUTHENTIC & OLD!

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