1950's High School Annual with great photographs and text showing students and faculty, clubs and activities, sports, dance, and general hi-jinx. Seniors each get individual photos. And including then junior and future popular musician Sonny Bono. Great photos and period design.  

Sonny Bono along with his partner Cher created and sang radio hits in the '60's like "I Got You Babe," "The Beat Goes On," "Baby Don't Go," and "All I Ever Need is You."

Individually photographed graduating seniors include: terry aguirre, george alford, doris allen, lola allan, larry allred, barbara alvord, barbara antle, carol arnold, jerry arnold, anne baackus, barbara bailey, dwight baird, richard barham, shirla baribeau, barbara barkowski, ray barnett, jerri beck, barbara beechel, nancy beigle, louis belme, clifford belyea, patricia bennett, vincent benstead, joan berry, richardx bersie, mary better, bruce billington, victor bladel, dorris blankley, cecil blasnek, james bodkin, joyce bourland, marleene brass, donald briggs, glen briley, carmen brothers, aloha brunner, barbara bryant, winnie burgman, jack butler, elizabeth bynum, clare canning, frank cessar, george chambers, joel chaney, bry christiansen, barbara citron, joane clark, saundra coates, marie coleman, ra comer, robert crain, carol cruickshank, jackie cummings, charles cutler, shirley curtis, delores d'agastino, steve daggett, tom delperdang, luana dent, jim dorn, margaret dressler, vilma drinkwine, ardelle drysdale, richard dulmage, marcia durell, marlene easley, gr4ace elam, barbara enlow, constance erickson, patricia etherton, carolyn fleischhackerr, robert foose, donna joneen ford, doreen foster, jon fredericks, hilda frenyea, joan frey, gary fulbright, eleanor gault, donald goldsburough, fay goldstein, helen gonzales, joe boade, barbara gordon, mary gormon, virginia greenleaf, barbara grosart, barbara guida, david grossi, james gurley, marie gutierrez, david haddy, walter haenggi, ruth halsey, jean hamilton, jean hargrove, priscilla hartkopf, erwin hawley, charlene hayden, arlene hayes, otto heitmann, arlene hennis, roger herron, yvonne hobberstad, judy hollander, norine hollenbeck, barbara honeycutt, richard hoover, kay horton, betty hose, jerry hovivian, betty huneke, arlene jackson, william jeffs, carol jones, donald jones, ruth joos, bruce juell, nedra kaser, ernest kaarsten, lorree kehl, donald kim, robert kissam, shirley kissam, stanley klein, joyce klenke, julia koons, richard kosa, joan kreider, jerry kreutz, patty jo kukendall, dixie lambert, robert land, william lamm, ellen landry, robert lashbrook, jeanette laughinghouse, jeanine lawler, pat lenzie, kenneth lewis, alma locke, richard lohry, lois lovegren, deborah lowenkron, audrey lundberg, virginia luttel, art lynch, malcolm macleod, beatrice mahan, coleen martin, joan mcchesney, virginia mclain, donnie bell mcdonald, wallace mckay, joyce mecurio, ken metcalf, robert metzger, joycemeyer, mary ann michealis, barbara ann miller, carole miller, john minnick, warren monaghan, darlene moreland, harry morrow, jackie morrow, mary morsaint, gary mosseau, james muller, joseph napoli, charlene naughton, carol nevius, barbara nisbet, richard north, virginia north, carol obert, ted olyear, sally owens, robert paul, barbara payne, robert perkins, patti peterson, doris pevnick, gail pike, don pingel, nona pophal, carlene porter, marjorie patten, loren lee pritchard, marion probert, shirley rausch, norman ray, doroty reich, connie renkin, joan reynolds, richard rice, marlene rigby, shirley rittenhouse, viola rivers, betty roach, joan robideaux, shirley robinson, arlee rogers, jerry ruhlow, jean russel, darrel sandlain, leonard satterlee, shirley saundersw, donna schleining, herbert schmitz, joy ann scoville, irene sears, nancy schafer, gary shanks, jean shanks, roy silver, alethea sims, del smith, johnney sonnier, gwen spencer, mary steiner, nancy stevenson, james stewart, robert stillinger, robert stockman, betty stout, betty strayer, leslie stubbs, marianne swanson, nancy tackett, mary lou tarr, sharon thomas, lois throckmorton, bruce thyden, mary ulrich, ramon vanderveer, darwyne vickers, rolf vickner, jerry vierhling, gene walsh, robert warnock, james watts, valera weber, donnalee weeks, eleanor weiglan, darlene whitetower, cherry lee wiles, bonnie wilke, laorraine williams, jean wilson, marilyn wolf, fred wolfe, barbara woodward, patriciia woolery, and leroy zillgitt.

Very Good condition hardback issue with tight text and clean pages; with no must or mildew or missing pieces, with mild shelf wear. Clean and Solid.  

Great rarity giving an historic look at the early life and times of Inglewood grads including the young future pop star and recording artist. Just waiting for a good home.

Email or call for any details. Spanky's Archive, since 1986. 

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