This beautifully Apache hand crafted, Green Verdite stone pipe, created and spiritually infused by a 91 year-old Apache Native American--Rudy Eagle.
Fully functional pipe.
 The stem separates from the bowl for easy cleaning. The stem is made from Sitka spruce.
It is adorned with soft deerskin leather, Bone horses, glass beads and feathers, fur.

This pipe is of gemstone quality.

The total length is 23-1/2 inches, the bowl is 3-1/4 inches long by 1-3/4" high by about 1-1/8"  wide.

This is an exceptionally beautiful pipe with diffferent shades of green, white and gold marbeling running through it.


 Metaphysical Properties: Used to access information from the ancient ones. Increases fortitude and reliability. Stimulates the energy centers and encourages movement of the Kundalini. Cleanses blood 

Verdite Peace Pipe Bowl   Pipe smokers and collectors should be interested in a unique pipe bowl! -- Over 4.5 billion years ago, I originated as cosmic dust from a galaxy in the Milky Way one can see across the heavens at night. As cosmic dust condensed various planets were formed to circle around our Sun -- one is, our planet Earth. I began forming from deep within the bowls of the earth in a boiling soup-like mixture of different minerals that in time (millions of years) rose to the earth’s surface and in that process cooled to form rocks in a variety of color shades and hardness. The stone I surfaced as --- is called “Verdite!”

Natives using primitive tools for prying rocks loose laboriously made it possible for me to be here. I come to you from a country known as “Great Zimbabwe,” in Africa. The name is derived from the ancient “Shona” natives who named the country Dzimba Dzamabwe; meaning “Houses of Stone,” and were the first peopled to settle the area. It started as a small community thousands of years ago, and after discovering rich veins of gold and Precious stones, gradually became a great walled city built of granite stone in the eleventh century AD. Only ruins remain of a once proud and majestic granite stone city. Zimbabwe today is a metropolis rich in gold, exquisite gemstones, and vast fertile agricultural lands; that are watered from the Zambezi River bordering the country of Zambezi on the south and the Limpopo River bordering South Africa on the north.  I come from an area that abounds with exceedingly beautiful “Verdite stone” of various colors in green and brown as well as degrees in hardness that can be fashioned into gem quality pipe bowls listed here in the web store and auction. Considering how much effort is required to fashion me into a pipe bowl by Rudy’s skilled hands in various sizes and shapes; I am offered at a very reasonable price. The great distances I have traveled while changing hands numerous times, plus being of  a venerable origin, (while the earth was being formed) makes me worthy to be recognized as an object to be coveted by a discerning collector. Sad, that while I am enjoying such a transformation by Rudy; that my stone brothers, and sisters from such an immensely rich country are not as fortunate. Shamefully the conditions in Africa are woefully lacking in love like symbolically I represent as a “Verdite” stone “Pipe of Peace.” (Great Love!) Therefore rather than admire me for my shape and form; gaze deeply into the color, grain and texture as an object of beauty “Earth Mother” created billions of years ago! 

Post Script: The kindred spirit feeling that Rudy experienced while joyfully laboring to enhance the “Verdite stone’s” inherent beauty nature created, can only be described as one of spiritual manifestation. Therefore it is hoped that whomever possess this pipe bowl will pause to seek the inner spirit that exists in all matter, be it animate or inanimate. --- Rudy and Sheri Eagle. 

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