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10 Hydraulic single-control high-speed 

safe handling 

WEPED SCADA integral NEW EREXX damper hydraulic pressure 

Hydraulic control damper electric kickboard for power scooters. 

initial patent application 

  • Color :  Titan Gray + BLACK + RED
  • Turning Radius: Left 40 degree, right 40 degree angled/ A Structure in which the hydraulic 
  • pressure is gradually released between 20 degrees to 40 degrees from the left and right. 

    (international Patent Registered)

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Tariffs may occur if the purchasing amount of overseas delivery goods by the person placing an order exceeds the purchasing amount of overseas delivery goods on the day of customs clearance. (*The actual tariff may change depending on the exchange rate at the time of customs clearance. Tariffs are irrelevant to the place of purchase (seller)

The invoice amount of the delivery box is written as the product price excluding the shipping cost

If you want to reduce government taxes, please contact the seller (message)

More options/Applied models can be found on the website ( )
  • Applied model:

  •  WEPED R 
  •  WEPED RR  
  •  WEPED FF 
  •   WEPED GTR 
  • WEPED F12 
  • WEPED  F15 
  • WEPED  FS 
Unable to install WEPED CYBERFOLD

EREXX DAMPER electric scooters

hydraulic quantity for electric scouts. Scooters. Scooters. 

Hydralic Control System with Steering Angle 

This is the most important type of hydrodynamic damper product. 

(Electrical scooters and all-in-one dancers for special functions are present.) 

We used A and S for free per year to manage product quality is restored. 

As with tuning-up training parts, interlocking and single-acting hydraulic ABS brakes. 

High performance with the introduction of EREXX hydrological dancers, 

High-end, high-speed electric scooters are the only way 

We came to the market to impreve performance. 

Especially when installing EREXX dancers on high-performance gas. 

Selects the handling and options of the machine.

Possible interlocking ABS brakes 

Union prides itself on tuning training for electric scooters.