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Comprehensive Full Spine Adjusting


BJ Palmer Books Success Money + Audio Disc

BJ's own words on Success and Money, Business and Philosophy. Historic Compilation of Books by BJ Palmer and BJ speaking. This collection includes 20 Books and 20 Audio Recordings on disc.

“We Never Know How Far Reaching Something We May Think, Say Or Do Today, Will Affect The Lives Of Millions Tomorrow.”

~ BJ Palmer

20 Books Digitized (PDFs):

  1. Chiropractic Advertising - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1924
  2. Radio Salesmanship 4th edition - Written by Dr. BJ Palmer, president, WHO, WOC radio, Palmer Broadcasting, Palmer School of Chiropractic. - 1943
  3. Fame and Fortune - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1955
  4. Early Chiropractic Ads - Palmer School of Chiropractic Supply Catalog - 1922
  5. The Bigness of the Fellow Within - Dr. BJ Palmer1949 
  6. Up From Bellow The Bottom - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1950
  7. The Known Man - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1936
  8. Fight To Climb - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1950
  9. CONFLICTS CLARIFY - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1951
  10. ANSWERS - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1952
  11. UPSIDE DOWN AND Right Side Up - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1953
  13. Evolution or Revolution - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1957
  14. History In The Making - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1957
  15. Palmers Law of Life - 1958
  16. The Glory of Going On - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1961
  17. The Great Divide - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1961
  18. Our Masterpiece - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1961
  19. 1920 - The Spirit of the PSC
  20. 1920 - The Philosophy of Chiropractic

20 Audio Files - BJ Palmer Speaking (MP3s)

Hours of Recorded Speeches and Talks from BJ Palmer, Lyceum, State Chiropractic Organization Meetings and other personalities in chiropractic history. 

  1. Why Do Some Chiropractors Succeed - Dr. BJ Palmer
  2. The Fog - Dr. BJ Palmer - 1954
  3. The Story of the Unknown Man - Dr. BJ Palmer
  4. Not Understood - Dr. BJ Palmer
  5. Tell Him Now - Dr. BJ Palmer
  6. Give Them The Flowers Now - Dr. BJ Palmer
  7. Cause Is Inside, Cure Is Inside – BJ
  8. So Does Nature Make A Man – BJ
  9. It Is As Simple As That 1954 – BJ
  10. A Man Who Was Lost 1955 – BJ
  11. Concept Therapy Innate 1954 – BJ
  12. David And Goliath 1959 – BJ
  13. Dr. BJ Palmer - The Fog – BJ
  14. Peace of War 1955 – BJ
  15. Personality of Innate 1954 – BJ
  16. Questions and Answers 1951 – BJ
  17. The 1st Chiropractic Adjustment – BJ
  18. The Other Fellow 1952 – BJ
  19. The Story of Henry Gross 1953 – BJ
  20. The Story of the Unknown Man – BJ

Samples of BJ's Personal History

PREFACE to The Bigness of the Fellow Within

I KNOW a boy who started out in life fearfully handicapped.

He was $8,000 in debt.

He started practicing as a Chiropractor, calling himself a doctor, at

seventeen years of age.

Little was known about Chiropractic then.

He succeeded. Why?

Because Innate told him that in that backbone was the cause of all dis-ease; that the correction of the vertebral subluxation would get sick people well, and that was what sick people wanted; that getting sick people well was the patient’s ultimate buying objective and it was the Innate’s ultimate delivering objective. He stuck to that principle and practice, never deviating from it one thought for one second of time from then to now.


The first twenty years of this boy’s life were spent in being educated to hate people and everything they did or were connected with. His mother died when he was 1-1/2 years old. From then on, he was at the mercy of five cruel stepmothers, each worse than the one before. Because of brutality at home, he was often forced to sleep in dry-goods boxes in alleys, often with the weather below zero, curled like a rat in a nest with paper packing, with open face of box backed up against brick walls; under kitchen sinks of hotels; or by boilers of boats on the Mississippi. He worked for a time as floor scrubber, window-washer, spittoon cleaner, and special delivery boy for a department store in his home town, getting three dollars per week as salary. He used to take out five cents a week for a bag of peanuts. This was his only luxury, for which he regularly got a beating. He was a derelict football being kicked around. This is just a beginning of tales he could tell of horrors of his early family and home life. When in his teens, he was forced by circumstances beyond his control to begin his professional career as a Chiropractor, starting in his own home town where he once lived as an alley-cat and wharf-rat. It was then he began to know what it was to face a hostile, belligerent, prejudiced home town folk. They considered him a fake, fraud, mountebank, a grafter on sick people. He was socially, commercially, professionally, and financially ignored by everybody. The struggle to be recognized as a man amongst men, as a business man amongst business men; to be accepted as a financial pillar bringing millions of foreign dollars into his home town every year; to be accepted socially in society; to be looked up to as worthy and well qualified in secret organizations—all this was denied him and constituted a bitter struggle of thirty years he had to go through. Our purpose of touching some of these many phases of this colossal struggle, where he faced the music and refused to run away from any of it where he grew up from boyhood to manhood in the same town, is to show from what this boy began, that you might compare it with today, demonstrating where he has gone. As the Chiropractic movement grew from .... one man to millions daily; as the influence of millions who were sick got well ... From early days, this man saw the necessity of banding together sinceremen who had courage of their convictions, into a national group for the purposes of defense and protection. ... to date, more than 19,000 cases have been defended, under his guidance, in every state, province, and many foreign countries, from police courts to supreme courts, winning so consistently that such trials now are practically stopped. One man spear-headed these movements of defense of cases and offense in legislation. He gathered about him groups of honest men who saw eye-to-eye with him. 

Item Details

  • Number of Discs in Set:
  • Number of Audio Files:
  • Total Video Length:
  • Number of PDF:
  • Total Audio Length:
  • Type of Files Include:
    MP3, PDF
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