Attention Western Australia Residents:

Please be advised that if your parcel is inspected by Western Australia Quarantine/Border Force there may be a $69 charge applied to your consignment by Western Australia Quarantine/Border Force as the parcel is seeds over 100g in weight, please understand we are not liable for this charge.

Here are some popular benefits of Poppy seeds:

These poppy seeds are sorted, sifted through multi level sifting to remove unwanted items, screened, dusted, extracted and unwashed (not washed).

Improvement of Fertility. Poppy seeds play a pivotal role in boosting female fertility

Fights insomnia

Bone Strength

Improves Digestion

Efficient Cure of Mouth Ulcers

Regulation of Blood Pressure

Great for the eyes

Helps in treating Kidney Stones

Poppy seeds are consumed across the world for their wide ranging health benefits as well as their great taste.

They are a rich source of thiamin, folate and other essential mineral including calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc.

Poppy seeds are known to relieve exhaustion, decrease anxiety and aid a good night’s sleep.

They also provide relief for abdominal pain, and can be used to ease a dry cough.

In Asian cultures, they are also used as a fertility and libido boost for women, as well as helping with digestive discomfort.

Poppy seeds are particularly rich in manganese, a trace element important for bone health and blood clotting. This mineral also helps your body utilize amino acids, fats, and carbs.

They’re likewise high in copper, a mineral needed to make connective tissue and transport iron

The seeds can be cold pressed to produce poppyseed oil, which is especially rich in omega-6 and omega-9 fats. It also contains small amounts of the essential omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid 

Research typically links diets rich in these fats to improved overall health and a lower risk of heart disease